Brooks of Bonita Springs II Community Development District

Within the boundaries of The Brooks are two CDD’s. The Brooks of Bonita Springs II Community Development District (BCDDII), which includes the north eastern portion of the community, is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors elected by the majority of the resident electors in the district. A professional management company – Wrathell, Hunt & Associates, LLC implements the policies of the Board. Chuck Adams is the Director of Operations of the CDD.

All property owners pay for the operation and maintenance (O & M) of the CDD improvements through an annual assessment along with debt service (annual principal, interest and admin) on the BCDDII’s capital improvement bonds.

The BCDDII utilizes the Lee County Tax Collector to collect its assessments each year. The annual assessments are added together and appear as one line in the non-ad valorem section of the property tax bill.

Currently the BCDDII operates and maintains the following elements of the community:
Coconut Road & Three Oaks Parkway Road Maintenance & Street Lighting
Storm Water Management System, Including Lake & Water Control Structures
Water Management Facilities
Conservation Area Preservation & Maintenance

Wrathell, Hunt and Associates, LLC
P.O. Box 810036, Boca Raton, FL 33481

When emailing request please include
(1) name/phone/email
(2) name of the District
(3) name of the property owner, location address and parcel number
(4) what information you are requesting

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